i wanna smell a freedom

in the name of crowded.

i sit there, in the middle of the lights.

hold the night, this is the time for me.

no one that i know, i wanna smell my body.

i wanna see a street that lock a memory.

i wanna see a moon that bring a little smile.

. . .

just for a silent, no plan for tonight.

no one besides me, i wanna feel a truth that i believe.

all desire, the decision, the position,

i wanna make my self reborn

i wanna make my imagination born.

. . .

crowded is a drug,

i wanna fly in the middle of it like a bug.

no one can give me a dark.

because i wanna keep an ark

. . .

in the crowded, i wanna smell a freedom.

i wanna learn how to take a wisdom,

i wanna hug a wisdom like i feel a syndrom,

i wanna make a freedom like a true home

. . .

Welcome to my new poem anthology,


What is the future of this?

February 14th 2020.

. . .

Photo by Wanaporn Yangsiri 


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